Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pastor's Perch

The Pastor’s Book Shelf (or his E-books):

The Land Called Holy by Robert L. Wilken

The Unmaking of Israel by Gershom Gorenberg

The Pastor’s Perch
September 3, 2014
Ready or not!

I have returned! (Sort of) In some ways it is like I never left while in others, it seems so foreign to be back. But back I am.

I would like to first thank all of you for making the sabbatical possible. From the Sessions approval to each of you who stepped up in some way to lend a hand, you are all to be thanked. Second, I truly hope that the learning that has come out of the sabbatical will help inform our future.

Notice I did not say “my sabbatical” because it was all of ours. In a sense, “my” portion of the sabbatical has lead to some personal learnings as well as insights to help foster our community. However, I am sure all of you have come away from your own insights into our community, both good and bad. So now the question is how do we share these insights. This is the power of sabbaticals. Yes the pastor gets “time off” but the congregation also gets “time off” from the pastor.

I am eager to begin our sharing as we enter the fall. While I will bring some of experiences to the Session and Deacons at a joint meeting next week, I look to share with you some of my insights during worship, through email messages and also through our own chats. But this is not a one way street. Please feel free to share your own insights of “your” sabbatical experience with me.

Sabbatical Insights

The main emphasis of my studies was centered on the Jewish tradition of Sabbath. My intended aim was to see how these traditional practices can help inform our Sabbath practices in the Christian Church. But do not think Puritan Sabbath practices and Blue Laws, the intent is far more spiritual.  So look for these insights in the coming weeks and months.

A Special Welcome

Finally, I just wanted to take a moment and welcome Margaret Roberts, our new Youth Director. I know you have heard all about her, or perhaps you haven’t, but know that I am very excited about having her join us this year. On Sunday, we will more formally welcome her to the community.



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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ecclesiastes 1-3 & 2 Thessalonians 2

Ecclesiastes 1-3

The second book of the Bible that continues in the Wisdom Tradition is Ecclesiastes, which is the Latin translation of a word that means "teacher" in Hebrew. Like Proverbs the sayings of Ecclesiastes are usually attributed to Solomon, but in this text Solomon is never named, just "son of David." The book dates to the post-exilic period, probably written between the 5th and 3rd Century before Christ.

There is no real consensus on the structure of the book, everyone seems to think there is some order and that the sayings are not just random thoughts put down on paper. Some believe the sayings are ordered on numerological themes, while others think concentric circles of thought are used to order the sayings. Take your pick, your theory might work as well.

At the heart of the book is the realities of human life. The author(s) seem to focus on the limits of humanity and the contradictions that exist in life. The famous quote of the book deals with "vanities", which is a way of defining life without God.

Of particular interest, as we begin the study of the Ecclesiastes is the understand that this book is read during Sukkoth, which begins next week, September 18th.

In Ecclesiastes 1, the author quickly lays the foundation of the book, first he names himself "teacher" or Qoheleth in Hebrew. Next the author introduces us to "vanity" which is best described as vapor but also is viewed as meaninglessness or absurdity. The teacher sees life as vain, for those who pursue life without meaning, or without God.

To help demonstrate this point, the Teacher places humanity within a cosmic context in which the sun rises and  sets, streams flow to the sea, etc. Their is a cycle in the universe and world, so there is a cycle in life, "get used to it" the teach would say.

Qoheleth, himself, has been challenged to search out the cosmos for great meaning and wisdom, yet such a search is baseless when one considers that humans cannot unmake what God has done. In a paradox, this Wisdom Literature, is very critical of a search for wisdom, for outside of God, is there Wisdom?

The Teacher is also a bit of a scientist, for Ecclesiastes 2 is an experiment of his to try and find meaning. He pursues all sorts of projects, seeking to find "happiness" or just meaning. Yet through all his works, he finds nothing. His pursuits have been in vain, much like Paul's own experience of seeking the traditions of his childhood, which gained him nothing.

Through his efforts, the Teacher realizes that wisdom and meaning can only be found in God as a gift from God. Wisdom and knowledge are God's response to those who please God. I am not sure if this is not a cyclic thing however. As we seek to please God, we come to knowledge and understanding.

If you know nothing about Ecclesiastes, you certainly know the opening of Ecclesiastes 3, a poetic expression of the cosmic cycles in which humanity resides. All these things happen in life, the question seems to be, where are you with God in this cycle? God seeks all to be happy, God seeks justice and will provide. Does one trust in God? Or does not seek happiness as an ends or justice?

2 Thessalonians 2

Paul, or the author, seeks to explain that the Day of Jesus has not come nor is upon them, for the rebellion must occur first. It was widely beleived that calamity would come before the coming of the Lord, just a Jesus predicted. These signs have not occured yet, nor are they on the horizon. Paul speaks of the anti-christ, the Lawless one who will come and present himself and yet be destroyed by JEsus Christ.

Paul follows this with a sharp break which comes back to a more thankful reflection. This break seems to represent the difference between those who will be condemned and those who will be saved.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Proverbs 31 & Psalm 94

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31 opens with words of advice from a mother to her son, the king. In it she points out a couple of issues to be wary of, the first being not to let a women gain strength over him. This is a warning to be wary of immoral women who do not have the king's or nation's best interest in her heart. Second, she warns against strong drink, for strong drink serves a purpose, to allow those in pain or suffering to be relieved from their pain. For a king to pursue strong drink is to pursue a self-destructive path.

While the bible is very patriarchal in is form and origin, the last half of this chapter extols the virtues of the wise wife, who really keeps things in order behind the scene and whose sheer presence allows a family to prosper. This wife is a multi-tasker who sees with eyes of far-sight.

Psalm 94

If there ever was an honest and raw plea for justice, Psalm 94 is it! You can almost feel the pain and anger of the oppressed in your bones as you hear the psalmists plea. The powerful in the community have tread all over the weak, they have oppressed and abused those who seem to have no other voice but God's. So haughty are the rich and powerful that they taunt God himself.

But the voice of righteous indignation rings out, loudly! (This is the churches present failing. We have become mired in all sorts of disputes, we no longer have the ability to speak with righteous indignation.) Irregardless of the present situation, the psalmist knows, and hence is seen as wise, that God will bring judgment. Woe to those who live and prosper in injustice, they will be brought down! Thank God!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Proverbs 29-30 & 2 Thessalonians 1

Proverbs 29-30

Again the teachers seek to emphasize the need for a righteous ruler, for they will bring harmony and prosperity in Proverbs 29. The contrast between the righteous and the wicked is again demonstrated in the chapter, as is the difference between the disciplined and undisciplined person.

Proverbs 30 is a unique section to the Book of Proverbs, for it would seem that the primary "author" is Agur, a non-Israelite, who comes from a tribe that was known to exist outside of Israel. The content of the chapter would seem to be an argument between an "atheist", Agur, and a scholar of Israel, as the two discuss the existence of God. The last portion of the chapter is marked by numerical sayings that speak to the existence of the wicked and the unclean.

2 Thessalonians 1

There is much discussion about the relationship between the Second Letter to the Thessalonians and the First Letter because they seem so different. First, the tone is much warmer in the first as opposed to the second, Paul seems aloof and academic as opposed to the loving pastoral style of the first. Second, they seem to be speaking of two different contexts; in the first letter, Paul seems to right about the Second Coming as one that is to come, while in the second he seems to be trying to dispel the rumor that the Day of Resurrection had already occurred. Perhaps Paul was clearing up some miss-communication, or perhaps, this is a different author.

Paul, or the author, opens the letter with the normal greeting and then gives thanks for the community; for their love and faithfulness to God and one another. Their example is one in which Paul is able to boast to other churches.

The author then gets into the meat of the letter, the Second Coming of Christ, but he speaks about in apocalyptic terms. It would seem that, perhaps, the community or the church is suffering from some sort of persecution and the author points to the day when God's justice will reign down and the afflicted will be exalted.

Proverbs 27-28 & 1 Thessalonians 5

Proverbs 27-28

Proverbs 27 is a very diverse Proverb that has many themes, most extremely unrelated. Best not to try and make sense of the connections to each other. This chapter itself demonstrates a strong antithetical trend, which is the only real unity that one will find within it.

The following chapter, Proverbs 28, continues with the antithetical tradition but they tend to revolve around the difference between the righteous and the wicked. The opening of the chapter may have had royalty in mind as it focuses on appropriate rule and order, a trend that is seen in the entire chapter. Clearly order helps keep harmony.

Verse 4-9 focus on the Law, which is unusual for Proverbs as its primary focus is on Wisdom and not the Law. Another section within the chapter deals with wealth and poverty and while wealth is something that is esteemed, for it then provides one to care for self and others, it pales in comparison to righteousness.

1 Thessalonians 5

As the community of Thessalonians is consumed with the Parousia, the coming of Christ, Paul lets them know that no one can or will know when it will happen, in this Paul's view mirrors that of Jesus who proclaimed that only the Father knows. Paul exhorts the community to be ready, to live in the Light and follow in the example of Paul and Jesus. The function of the community is to encourage each member to live into this standard.

In closing, Paul encourages the community to push themselves, to discipline each other and every once and while, kick each other in the butt when they need to. He also, exhorts them to listen to their leaders and care for them.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Proverbs 25-26 & 1 Thessalonians 4 plus Ezra 9-10 & Luke 5

Proverbs 25-26

Proverbs 25 begins a section that was supposedly recorded by King Hezekiah and attributed to Solomon. They open with the challenge to the king to seek the will of God in the world. Also, the nobles of the court are challenged to seek their own glory but to do what is right, particularly in dealing with neighbors and friends. Again, appropriate language and words is lifted up as a sign of wisdom.

Proverbs 26 goes into much detail to describe how a fool lives and why their lives are counter-productive.

1 Thessalonians 4

Paul continues to exhort the Thessalonians to live as they have been, but doing it more fervently. It is clear that this community has truly lived out the teachings that Paul has passed along but Paul asks them to strive even further in loving God and one another, to pursue virtuous living and refrain from the temptations of the flesh.

If there was an issue that Paul was writing to address, it might be answered in verse 13. It is possible that many in the community believed that those who have died before the return of Jesus Christ would not be joined in the Resurrection. Paul writes to dispel this notion, that all, living and dead, will be raised with Jesus at his coming.

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Ezra 9-10

It would seem that part of the problem of rebuilding Jerusalem is due to the purity of the people, they are not following the command of God to be a holy people. This charge was given to the people of Israel when they entered into the Promised Land, they were to remain separate from the people of the land for they were unclean. However in Ezra 9, we read that the people of Israel have not remained separate but have married into families of the land. If one could not remain separate in marriage, then what other kinds of behavior were the Israelites following? Ezra upon hearing this word, falls into grief and mourning and prays, confessing the sins of the people and seeking forgiveness from God.

The people gather around Ezra in Ezra 10 and they join in the mourning. They decide to "send away" wives and children of mixed marriages, which means they are divorced, not really sent away. However, how is this accomplished? It is decided a committee (surprise, surprise) should be formed to interview the people and a list of 133 names are brought forward. Does not seem like a lot, so I wonder how big the problem was or were this people just scapegoats?

Luke 5

Having demonstrated his own truth in being, Jesus now turns to teaching the people. Speaking from a boat, he proclaims his new teaching and then encourages the men of the boat to go out and cast for fish. Since it was common to fish in the night, these men have been out all night without much success and now Jesus is telling them to go back out. Reluctantly they agree and find a treasure. When we heed Jesus' word, no matter how difficult we find it, we find truth and abundance.

As Jesus' fame spreads, many come to find him to be healed and many are sinners, who have no where else to turn. Of note, see that in verse 17 Pharisees and teachers are listening to Jesus, it is not always acrimonious. However, Jesus power and his teaching soon get him into trouble as he announces sins are forgiven. As Jesus calls and spends time with more and more sinners, his behavior is too much for the religious elite who believe that there is no way a man of God would associate with the unclean.

Proverbs 23-24 & Psalm 92-93 plus Ezra 7-8 & Luke 4

Proverbs 23-24

It would seem that this section in Proverbs 23 is aimed at royal children, that they should be taught moral behavior. They should not emulate the rich and greedy but seek instruction and knowledge. While there are general instructions of proper etiquette at the table, there are also deeper meanings within the instructions.

There are exhortations to parents and children, for parents to discipline their children to show them the proper way of living and children to honor parents who are seeking to instruct them.

Finally, the child is instructed to observe a moral life, to refrain from drunkenness and to be wary of prostitutes and adulterers.

Proverbs 24 begins with another admonition to refrain from consorting with the wicked. One does not rule or build a kingdom through mischief but through knowledge. A mighty warrior is a wise warrior, (boy could we use some wise warriors today). Courage is also a sign of wisdom, of daring to do the difficult but the right. (Again, another trait we could use today.)

Wisdom is like honey, it is sweet and good. Such wisdom keeps one from violence and deceit. One achieves righteousness not by lying in wait but by fearing the Lord and doing what God desires. To rule is to judge accordingly by the standard set by God, not by partiality, to be honest and true.

Psalm 92-93

The psalmist rejoices and leads the community in a psalm of thanksgiving created for the Sabbath service. Psalm 92 witnesses to God's work in Creation on earth and the cosmos. This great work is shown to the faithful but kept secret from the wicked. To be washed in oil was to be anointed so the psalmist understands himself, herself or themselves to be chosen by God for a purpose. The chosen flourish because of God's provenance.

The Lord is King is the basic proclamation of Israel, it is the heart of the religion and faith, for God has created all and rules over all. Psalm 93 is a succinct statement of this reality, even the waters of chaos, demonstrated by the flood, lift its voice to God. God rules over all!

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Ezra 7-8

If the text is correct, Ezra appears in Jerusalem about fifty years after the end of the Exile in Ezra 7. To believe the authors, while the temple has been rebuilt and Jerusalem has been re-inhabited, there are still problems in Judah, which is why Ezra and then Nehemiah are sent to the city. Ezra is a scribe, one trained in scripture, and leaves Babylon to go to Jerusalem. He is not alone as other Jews make the journey with him.

Ezra carries with him an edict from Artaxerxes that authorizes Ezra to lead the people of Israel in worship of God. He is given power to collect tributes to support the temple and promote the welfare of the people. While Ezra is not a governor, he is given rather wide latitude to act on behalf the people and is empowered to do what is needed to worship God in the fashion that Israel is accustomed to.

Ezra 8 seems to be a first hand account of those who took the journey with Ezra and their preparations for the journey. The list includes Levites who help perform the appropriate liturgical actions on the journey. The items on the journey include a fitting tribute to be offered at the temple upon arrival in Jerusalem.

Luke 4

In the narrative of Luke, Jesus follows in the example of Israel; first he is baptized, much as Israel was as they journeyed into the Red Sea, then they are tempted in the Wilderness and then finally they are commissioned and sent into the Promised Land. In Jesus' temptations, it is important to realize that all of Jesus' responses come from Deuteronomy, which is the heart of the Law according to scripture. Jesus remains faithful to the Law of God, while Israel has not. From the very outset, Jesus is living into the example and personifying Israel as it was supposed to be.

Jesus is then commissioned to go into the land to do ministry, for he is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This will be a difficult ministry seen in the rejection of his own people in Nazareth, who exemplify the rejection of God by Israel, God's own people turn away. Furthermore, this is demonstrated in the reality that the demons in the next story recognize who Jesus is, but the people of Nazareth do not. This is a theme that will continue in Luke.