Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1 Kings 6-7 & 1 Corinthians 12

Truth be told, there is not much to add to 1 Kings 6 & 7. The buildings of Solomon, as the least the temple and the palace, are described rather vividly in order to inspire the appropriate awe. These are glorious buildings, built to reflect a blessed people.

One small footnote however, notice that the palace of Solomon is nearly twice the size of the temple. It is probably supposed to be that way, but it is rather eye catching that the building exalting Solomon dwarfs the building exalting God.

1 Corinthians 12

Paul now moves on to another issue that was potentially raised by the Corinthians and that is spiritual gifts. It would seem that some in the community has used certain gifts to demonstrate that they are superior to others. (Are you noticing a trend in the behavior of the Corinthians?) Yet Paul tells them that anyone who proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior has Spiritual gifts, that would be the Holy Spirit. And that the Spirit gives gifts out to all in the community for the purpose of building up the community.

So how are these gifts to be used? In the same way the body works together through its various organs and systems, so the community blessed with spiritual gifts are used to built up the community and maintain its health. Not one is more important than an other, all have to do their part. When these gifts are combined, then we are all able to pursue a "more excellent way."

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